wMBus server

This service is used to configure and manage the wMBus server. The server is based on jmbus 3.2.0.

The wMBus server can be installed on the "Services" tab within the DINGO-Manager. The server can also be installed from a SSH terminal with this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -s http://apps.control2net.com/apt/install-wmbus-server)"

To configure the wMBus server; select the wMBus service and click the "Main config. file..." button. See screenshot.

The wMBus log can be used to see what wireless sensors (and their identifier) is in the vicinity. The logs also show if the wireless message as being decrypted as expected.

The wMBus server is used to read data from wireless M-Bus sensors and sends the data to the DINGO-Stack Unix domain socket (/dev/shm/DINGOConectricUnixSocket). If the appropriate templates have been created for the sensors, then the DINGO-Stack will automatically create and configure these sensors as virtual BACnet devices.

Link to the official page: https://www.openmuc.org/m-bus/download/